
Mrs. Moreau's Grade 3/4 Class 

Week of March 9-13, 2020

Important Dates:

March 16-20 - March Break

April 5 - Palm Sunday

April 9 - Holy Thursday

April 10 - Good Friday

April 12 - Easter 

April 13 - Easter Monday

Reader's Workshop: This week, students will continue their exploration of nonfiction text features. Students will participate in learning tasks and challenges (e.g., text feature scavenger hunt) that call on them to locate, identify and describe different text features (e.g., table of contents, index, glossary, diagrams, captions, etc.). Students will come to understand why text features are so important - they help the reader locate information, they help the reader answer questions about a topic and the text they are reading, and they can provide additional information about a topic.

Daily 5: As part of our Daily 5 rotations, students will participate in five independent activities over the course of the week: Read to Self, Read with Someone, Word Work, Listen to Reading, and Work on Writing. Students will also meet with a teacher several times each week for Guided Reading.

Word Work/Grammar: This week, students will study prefixes and suffixes. Students will learn that prefixes are added to the beginning of root or base words. When you add a prefix to a root word, you change the word’s meaning. Suffixes, on the other hand, are added to the end of root or base words. When you add a suffix to a root word, you also change the word’s meaning.

Spelling: As it is the week before March Break, there will be no new Spelling words this week. Spelling will resume the week of Monday, March 23rd.

Writing: This week, students will focus on instructional writing. The purpose of instructional writing is to tell the reader how to achieve a certain goal or how to follow a set of procedures. Instructional texts can take many forms including recipes, instructions on how to build, operate or care for something, game rules, directions, and protocols for experiments. Students will learn that instructional texts are usually organized into 3 parts: what is to be achieved (goal/purpose/aim), the materials, ingredients or equipment needed and the procedure or steps the reader needs to follow in order to achieve the designated goal or aim. This week, students will complete instructional pieces based on a science experiment, a game and a recipe.

Please note that students will be given additional time in the computer lab this week to complete their poetry anthologies. This assignment is due Friday, March 13th. All poems were previously completed in class. Students now have the opportunity to revise, edit and publish these pieces in Google Slides. Students have had four forty minute periods to work on their Google Slides presentations and will be given two or three additional class periods this week.

Math: This week, we continue our study of multiplication. Students have explored the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication and have effectively used arrays to represent and solve multiplication problems. This week, we will review basic facts, previously taught strategies, and learn how to use number strings, including using anchors of 5 and 10, to solve multiplication problems. It would benefit students, however, to work on memorizing their times tables. This will allow them to be more efficient problem solvers as they can quickly recall basic facts when approaching more complex problems.

Physical Education: This week, students will participate in drills and games designed to strengthen their volleyball skills. Students will learn how to bump, volley and serve the ball.

Religion and Family Life: As we learn more about the three pillars of Lent, students will work to find answers to the following questions: - What kinds of prayers do we pray during Lent? Why? - How does prayer lead us to renew our faith during Lent? - How do the Sorrowful Mysteries connect us to the meaning of Lent? - How does fasting renew us and bring us closer to God? - How does our fasting help us bring justice to people in need? - How can we give during Lent? - How are we caring for those in need?

Art: With St.Patrick’s day just around the corner, students will play with line, colour and patterns to create Shamrock Pop Art and Shamrock mosaics.