Intermediare Devoirs/Tâches//Intermediate Homework/Tasks
13 mai, 2020
Well, we are a few weeks into this temporary Pandemic Distance Learning and we seem to be meeting the challenges fairly well.
The grade 6e/7e class is working on "Les Septs Enseignements Sacrés" et " La Roue Médicinale" to acquire and deepen our understanding of some of the most important facets of Indigenous People's traditions and culture, along with the connection to French Canadian traditions. The focus is on developing reading, comprehension and writing strategies and skills.
The grade 7e/8e class is moving in a different direction as we solidify some grammar concepts in order to improve our reading comprehension and our writing proficiency. We are currently working on the 5th task which focusses on the structure and use of the Passé Composé (past tense). We've done some work using the "futur proche" and "double verb construction". Some students have also been working on the long term, group (or independent) project that we discussed in early March; it is a significant bonus to students who decide to complete this project. One group, in particular, continues to do a considerable amount of work as they tweak their project for final's a keeper and will be a fine tool to use in future classes. Bravo!!
Remember that all due dates are flexible, I'm an e-mail away for help and any/all efforts to participate in French class are worthy. Or, simply send a note to let me know how you are doing.
4 mai 2020
Bonjour à tous! J'éspère que vous êtes bien...
I want to remind you that there are regular assignments posted into your French Google Classrooms. In case you've lost or forgotten the code for your class, you can find it below:
6e/7e Mme. Lyon: gp36lwv
I will post to your class on Wednesdays only.*
7e/8e M. Ayers: p3ljc5p
I will post to your class on Thursdays only.*
Please try to do a task each week.
* Sometimes, just like you, I need to post a day later due to life/work management during this Pandemic learning (working). I ask for your patience and know that I will try to exercise mine too.
If you "miss" a due date, do not worry about it; the dates are flexible; however, I ask that you not submit several assignments at once if possible. If you are just getting started, please don't return to previous tasks until you do the most current one (previous or late tasks can be continued when you have some time on your hands).
Prenez vous soins! Allez dehors et absorbez le soleil!
13 avril 2020
I have created dedicated Google Classroom
for French; here are the codes to access your class:
6e/7e Mme. Lyon: gp36lwv
I will post to your class on Wednesdays only.
7e/8e M. Ayers: p3ljc5p
I will post to your class on Thursdays only.
Please try to do a task each week.
When you want to submit your work please activate the "turn in" option;
that way, I receive it directly rather than through emails (which are
becoming too numerous to manage). We WILL run into difficulties but that
is okay - we are all still learning. Let's be patient and kind with
each other.
Students should do 10 - 15 minutes of review or FUN LINKS activities daily
When you wash your hands, remember to sing "Frère Jacques" 2x!
30 mars, 2020
For both Intermediate classes, I am suggesting the same activities/tasks/learning opportunities at this time. Over the coming days, these suggestions may become tasks. Challenging times ahead for everyone, so let's focus on underscoring skills we've already been acquiring. I suggest that you start with our classroom routine of prayer, the date and weather. Y'all know these things (or you and a friend/sibling can help each other).
Since French is an everyday subject in this division, I suggest that you continue to access learning for 20-30 minutes a day. There are a wide variety of lessons/games/texts available from the Learn at Home -French tab on our school board website
Combined with the activities on my FUN LINKS page, there is enough variety to suit all students.
Choose one or two sites and explore some lessons/games/activities that you find suitable to your learning needs. Stay encouraged; remember to take a deep breath before you attempt a task, especially if it seems challenging to you.
Also, keep in mind that you can always access
Amusez-vous, prenez soin de vous!