
Monday, May 1

List 30 Homophones: word pairs that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings

1) buy 2) by
3) one 4) won
5) eye 6) I
7) sea 8) see
9) for 10) four

Homework: find 4 more homophone pairs

-awesome prizes: bike, scooter and more!!
Join in the fun for Catholic Education Week. Proceeds will go towards Gr. 7/8 end of year trip.

Monday, April 10

List 27 Plurals

beds, cakes, dogs, hats, homes, letters, rules, teachers, 

Useful information
Library & Book Exchange:  - every Monday
Physical Education
-Tuesday, Thursday, alternate Fridays, running shoes required

Tuesday, February 14 
Happy Valentines's Day !

Valentine's Day Dance and Party will happen on February 16!! 

-any students who brought their Valentine's today had them put away safely until Thursday as we had voted to do all our celebrating on Thursday

LIST 20  "ing ending" 
adding, running, jumping, going, hopping, doing, eating, helping

Homework: write your spelling words inside a heart

Thursday, February 9

-study for spelling test tomorrow
-finish word search if not finished in class (only Hudson, Amelia and Christian finished, all else should have Word Search in agenda)

Wednesday, February 8

Any donations of kleenex, wipes, or paper towel gratefully accepted. We are going through the kleenex at the rate of a box + each day!

Students have been recording the list of class names in their agendas to assist them with Valentines! All Valentine's Day activities will occur on February 16-dance, party, distribution of Valentine's. Treats welcome! As always please be aware of peanut allergies. If you would like to send a treat please let me know ahead of time. (Also please consider healthy alternatives.....fruit tray or juice....) 

Thanks for any and all contributions.

Homework: practice spelling words

Monday, February 6

List 19 "y as a vowel"
party, my, story, try, baby, cry, city, fly

MATH-Measurement-currently working on;
-practice telling the time at home
-also units of time: minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, the days of the week, the months of the year, 
Grade 2 requirement is the hour, half hour and quarter hours
Money-recognizing money amounts to $1.00 and the names and values of coins

Tuesday, January 24
-finish math page on "Time"
-our new math unit of study is Measurement-time, temperature, and money

Monday, January 23

List 17 "the long u sound"
cute, use, June, true, you, rule, huge, few

Monday, January 16

Spelling List 16 "the long o sound"
home, boat, go, so, no, coat, most, old

Homework: use each word in a sentence

*There is  a freezing rain warning for tonight, January 16. If your son or daughter is home they could complete spelling sentences and put their words in alphabetical order too!! 

Please return spelling notes.
Monday, January 9

List 15 "the long i sound"
fine, five, like, nine, ride, time, kind, find


Tuesday, December 13
List 14: 

feed, each, read, seat, tree, week, eat,free

Use 4 list words in a sentence. Draw a picture of the other 4 list words.

Thank you to the many parents/guardians who have already returned the skating note. It looks like there are several volunteers and we should definitely be able to go ahead with this activity. There will be a note with more information after Christmas!

Wednesday, December 7

This week is a Review Week. Students have words from previous tests that they did not spell correctly. In addition, some students are working on seasonal words and/or curriculum related words such as "research, facts"...etc

No homework tonight or tomorrow night as we prepare for Advent. 
Thursday, December 1


Spelling Quiz tomorrow

Tuesday, November 29
-put together your manger-get ready to do the first reading and add the first sticker on Thursday, December 1
-spelling-practice your words (or, some students were asked to finish today's work

Monday, November 28
List 12 " long a sound"
came, cake, gave, game, say, play, away, may

Wednesday, Nov. 23
no homework assigned
( a few students do have spelling to finish, it is noted in agendas)

Tuesday, November 22

Write out your list words two times. Bring your work to school or get mom/dad/guardian to sign your agenda please!

Monday, November 21

It's Bullying Awareness Week!

Wear pink tomorrow. 

List 11:
smart, small, spin, space, step, star, stay, just Bonus word: fiction

Wednesday, November 16
Progress Reports home today
-finish math from today

Tuesday, November 15
List 10: "r blends"
bring, brown, brother, frog, from, grass, green, grow

Choose 4 words from the list and use in a sentence. Draw and label a picture of 4 different words from the list. 

Thursday, November 10

Spelling Quiz tomorrow

Spelling List 9: black, blue, glass, glad, clown, clock, flat, flag

Wed., Nov. 2 - no homework

Tuesday, November 1

Put spelling list in aphabetical

Monday, October 31
List 8 - mud, run, jump, cut, fun, hut, tug, up
No Homework-have fun, be safe!

Thursday, October 27
-spelling quiz on Friday AND

Tuesday, Oct. 25 -no homework assigned

Monday, October 24

List 7 (short o sound)
log, come, hot, box, stop, gone, top, got
Put words in alphabetical order. 

Tuesday, October 18

No homework tonight

Monday, October 17

This is a Review  Week for Spelling. We will be working on activities with all five lists. There will be no quiz on Friday.

Picture Day is coming! Oct. 25

Help Scare Away Hunger! Our food drive will run for the month of October.

Thursday, October 13

-review for Spelling Quiz tomorrow (write your words on the sign held by the racoon:)

Tuesday, October 11

List 5:

is, it, pig, hit, this, sit, big, him
Choose any 4 spelling words and use each word in a sentence.

Please help SCARE AWAY HUNGER! Donate to the food drive.(Food Drive will run all month, not just Thanksgiving. Thanks so much for all the support already received. )

Wednesday, October 5

Please help SCARE AWAY HUNGER! Donate to the food drive.

Tuesday, October 4

Read! Students should all have a book signed out for tonight and a READING LOG stapled into the back of their agenda. Please record nights of reading!!

Spelling -finish spelling sentences
Find rhyming words for the list words fed, ten, get (5 for each)
*** Spelling notebooks were sent home for this homework. Please be sure to return tomorrow for other spelling work tomorrow.***

Monday, October 3

List 4: (the short e sound)
pet, wet, get, when, step, fed, yes, ten

*Only homework assigned was to "read your book!" Unfortunately I was called to a brief meeting at the end of day, and only a few people were able to sign out a book. Watch for books tomorrow and read, read, read:)

OPEN HOUSE!!  Thursday, September 29   from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m

P.A. DAY: Friday, September 30

Wednesday, September 28

Spelling quiz tomorrow

Monday, September 26

Record your new words on the butterfly (handed out)
List 3: add, and, at, fast, hat, man, plan, sad

Thursday, September 22

Spelling Quiz tomorrow-review your words

Wednesday, September 21
-no homework assigned this evening

Tuesday, September 20

-write this week's spelling words (List 2) on your caterpillar (given in class)
-please return spelling notebook if you did not do so yesterday